BEHEMOTH Frontman To Remain In Hospital Until At Least Next Tuesday

February 4, 2011

According to the web site, Adam "Nergal" Darski, the 33-year-old leukemia-stricken guitarist/vocalist of the Polish extreme metal act BEHEMOTH, will remain in the hospital until at least next Tuesday so that he can continue to receive treatment for an infection he developed six weeks after he underwent a bone marrow transplant procedure.

"The patient is feeling well and is under constant medical observation," Andrzej Hellmann of Department of Haematology and Transplantology at the Medical University of Gdansk told the web site. "Being in the hospital is certainly safer for the body."

Darski was readmitted to the hematology division of Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne (UCK) in Gdansk "because he did not care proper care of himself," Dr. Maria Bieniaszewska, assistant professor in the Department of Hematology, told the web site.

According to, most infections happen in the first 100 days after a transplant, but they remain a risk as long as the patient's immune system is weak.

In a statement released last month, Nergal said about his recovery, "Although the whole treatment went really good, as well as the bone marrow transplant and the post-transplant period, the next several months is the time when I must really take care of myself. Of course, I will have plenty of time to recover, think about the strategy and my return to the stage — which approaches imminently. (laughs) First of all, however, I must rebuild my physical condition."

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